The ATLAS RAPID LIFT is the really new lifter, totally pneumatic, from SEMAD TOOLS! It has the most solid structure, which allows you to raise cars and vehicles thanks to the grip under the wheels and underbody, the two tested and patented systems of taking, for using this tool safely, easily and quickly.

It is the only model on the market:

  • Completely pneumatic
  • Having a double protection control and a mechanical block to work in TOTAL SAFETY
  • With wide wheels for the grate floors of the spray booths.
  • Furthermore it has NOT electrical engines, so it can stand high temperatures, dust and other similar agents.

It is assembled with highest-quality materials, no additional parts are needed to work and it is available with two or three cylinders: to discover all details, download the Brochure.


Capacity 1500 Kg (2300 optional)
Car Maximum weight 3000 Kg (4200 optional)
Lifting Time  45 sec
Maximum Lifting Height 80 cm
Overall dimensions 74x90x130

UP TO 2300 KG (5071 lbs) OF CAPACITY!

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